Taking the root to treat cancer, the woman was taken to the emergency room

Taking the root to treat cancer, the woman was taken to the emergency room
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    VOH – Believing in the rumor that drinking sweet fruit can cure cancer, Ms. L. (61 years old, Phu Tho) followed suit and was hospitalized with difficulty speaking, difficulty breathing, and a swollen throat.

    Hospitalized for using plant roots to treat cancer

    Information from Cam Khe District Medical Center (Phu Tho) has just received a patient with a history of thyroid cancer hospitalized because of using sweet potatoes for treatment.

    According to Dr. Ha Huy Men, Head of the Department of Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care and Artificial Nephrology, Cam Khe District Medical Center, Ms. L. was treated for thyroid cancer according to a prescription from Ha University Medical Center. Noi.

    Taking the root to treat cancer, the woman was taken to the emergency room
    The woman had to write a petition asking her relatives to take her to the emergency room because she was taking root to treat cancer – Photo: provided by the hospital

    At the time of admission, Ms. L. had symptoms of mouth and throat pain;

    “The reason is because the roots contain calcium oxalate crystals, this substance causes irritation, skin burns, and swelling upon contact, especially in the tongue, mouth, lips…

    Fortunately, the patient only suffered mild irritation and was discharged after 3 days of treatment.

    Dr. Men said that in some Asian countries, roots are used to treat some diseases such as hemorrhoids, rheumatoid arthritis or toothache, but in Vietnam, using roots as medicine is not common.

    “For cancer patients, you should follow the treatment regimen of your oncologist and not arbitrarily use drugs or foods that have not been scientifically proven to avoid unnecessary complications,” Doctor recommended.

    Screen for thyroid cancer once a year

    According to associate professor, Dr.


    “In many cases, when the disease is detected, the patient does not go to a medical facility but stays at home, using tobacco, herbal medicine or other methods.

    This leads to the fact that when the patient comes to the hospital for examination, the stage of thorough treatment has already passed.

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